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Written Content
Content Strategy
SEO Keyword Strategy
Forever Beaumore is a trailblazing beauty brand offering the world’s first and only Collagen beauty drinks. Their topical and ingestible skincare lineup combines traditional ingredients with cutting edge tech to procure refined solutions for timeless beauty. But as often happens with beauty brands, balancing science jargon with breezy copy doesn’t always hit the mark. The brand’s audience is comprised of many women who speak English as a second language. We were absolutely thrilled to rise to the task of communicating efficiently to reach their audience.
Science and beauty are inextricably linked. But that doesn’t mean we have to lose readers to stuffy, inaccessible language. As always, we used data to craft the tone for Forever Beaumore. We took a deep dive into analytics to find easy-win keywords and formulate a content strategy that would generate traffic and leads. We set strict guidelines for reading levels, ensuring the language hit the mark within the widest audience possible. Our mission was to retain a fun, conversational flair while avoiding technical writing. We infused conversational elements and broke up text with subheadings and bullet lists to make the information as digestible as possible.
Forever Beaumore’s blog now has a fresh voice that’s nuanced, easy to read, and accessible to their target audience. With SEO principles firmly in place, the breezy copy dances atop information rooted in science, without ever feeling bogged down. More importantly, it is a voice that makes women feel heard, supported, and empowered to embrace their skin at every age.
Dineka RinglingEmbody & Forever Beaumore
"Working with Lyon Content is an absolute delight. Christina writes delightful & informative blogs that save our marketing department a ton of time, provide value for customers, and help give us a boost in SEO rankings. Christina is excellent with communication & is always quick to provide revisions when they're needed. I'd definitely recommend working with Lyon Content as they consistently produce excellent quality of work in a fast and timely manner."